Note from Provost Peter Bardaglio:
Change in student attendance policy regarding "designated holidays"
Following review of the student attendance policy in the College catalog (p. 269, 2004-05) by the Academic Policies Committee, I have approved the following recommended change referring to scheduled examinations and quizzes on "designated holidays," effective Fall 2005.
1. In accordance with New York State law, students who miss class due to their religious beliefs shall be excused from class or examinations on that day. Such students must notify their course instructors at least one week before any anticipated absence so that proper arrangements may be made to make up any missed work or examination without penalty.
DELETE: Faculty members will not schedule examinations or quizzes on designated religious holidays or the calendar day following the designated holidays. Designated holidays are Rosh Hashanan (two days), Yom Kippur, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.
Designating specific religious holidays does not comply with New York state law that supports individual choice in observing religious holidays.
Please note that a number of holidays are included for general information in the academic calendar in the College catalog. Faculty and departments are encouraged to make appropriate changes in their course syllabi and other information reflecting the above change in the attendance policy.