Enhancement to the Holiday Schedule for Fiscal Year 2005-2006


Contributed by Deborah Merriman

I am pleased to announce that the College is generously providing its employees with an additional day of holiday time over the 2005-6 winter break.

Specifically, the College will be closed from Friday, December 23, 2005, through January 2, 2006. Monday, January 2, has been added to the holiday schedule this year. Information pertaining to the holiday schedule for 2005-6 and 2006-7 has been posted to the Office of Human Resources website at https://www.ithaca.edu/hr/holiday.htm.

This information may also be found on the Office of Human Resources website by clicking on Holidays in the Benefits section. Please print and post a copy of the holiday schedules in your department for those employees who do not have access to computers.

The College previously established a chart that determines the winter holidays depending on which day of the week Christmas and New Year's fall on. The chart has been revised so that after 2006, if Christmas/New Year's falls on a Sunday, the previous Friday (December 23) will not be a holiday but will be replaced with January 2. However, since this December 23 was already on the schedule, we have added the additional day of Monday, January 2.

Ithaca College Holidays 2005-2006
Winter Holiday Schedule Chart (PDF)

Should you have any questions pertaining to the holiday schedule, please feel free to contact me at 274-3847.

