Submitted for: Cheryl A. Freer, Director of Benefits
The Office of Human Resources is pleased to announce the availability of two electronic accrual forms. The forms and instructions are available directly at:
1. The first form is an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file that will allow you to print a blank "Leave Accrual & Usage Record" for the 2005-2006 fiscal year (this is the same paper form that we deliver to employees each year).
2. The second form is an Excel Spreadsheet which is designed to calculate your accruals automatically by inputting the paid time off you are taking.
For your convenience we have also provided two help files related to the new "Automated Accrual Form", one with direction on how to set it up with your accrual information, and one on how to record time taken off.
Please note, we have developed these tools to assist you in tracking accrual information but we are not requiring you to use these tools. If you prefer to continue using the paper format you may certainly do so.
If you have any questions or need further assistance with the new accrual form, please feel free to contact us at 274-3245.