Reminder: Student Supervisor Training
Contributed by Donna Veres
Just a reminder that on Wednesday, July 29, the payroll office and student employment are holding a training session for supervisors of student employees. The session will be held in 102 Textor Hall from 10:00 to 11:30 am.
We will cover the following topics:
- Flowchart and how the pay cycle works for student employees
- How to submit electronic SEAs
- The importance of I-9s
- Maximum hours students can work
- Paying an international student
- FLSA rules and paying students overtime
- How to complete TRFs
- How students view their pay on line
- Payment schedules and websites
- Deadlines and important dates
- Questions and answers
We encourage everyone who supervises student employees to attend. It is not necessary to register for this session. If you are unable to attend this session, we will be holding another one on Thursday, August 11, 2:00-3:30 pm. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the payroll office at 274-1481, 274-3874, or 274-3133; or student employment at 274-1171.