There will be a major upgrade to Parnassus August 12-15. The most significant changes are to iProcurement. Any users who enter requisitions will be affected. There are some additional cosmetic changes for users who enter journals and users who enter or view invoices through Finance Apps or AP Invoice Entry Only responsibilities.
iProcurement has some really nice new features and overall, it is a big improvement. There are some quirks, however. Users will get a big intimidating looking error message (, in most cases, before entering an account number to charge. Ignore the error message and click on the enter charge account link. Once you enter the account number, assuming you have access to the account and there are funds available, the requisition will submit without problems. The error will not reappear until you enter a new requisition.
Please review the relevant documents at Changes to Parnassus Financials after the 11.5.10 Upgrade ( The new journal entry and invoice entry screens as well as some of the iProcurement changes are documented. The documents are not intended as complete documentation. We will be working on updating the Parnassus Financials support documentation under the Parnassus login in the next few weeks.
If you have questions, please call (or email) Vanessa Brown (4-7088) or Ron Woodard (4-7333).