Enjoy the spirit of the season in the Big Apple! Do some holiday shopping, take in a show, go out to eat, or do it all! You have eight hours all on your own.
Roundtrip transportation will be provided from Ithaca College, O-lot. We have two 47-passenger buses reserved for this trip. We will depart IC at 6:00 am, and depart Manhattan at approximately 8:00 pm. Rest and smoke breaks will be made en route both ways -- by group consensus.
Bring your check to Kasey Huddle (registrar's office) by 4:00 pm on Friday, November 18, to reserve your seat (make checks payable to Ithaca College; no cash or credit cards). The ticket is nonrefundable, but transferable to another person.
For more information contact Barbie Odell, [mailto:bodell@ithaca.edu], 274-3814.
Be on the lookout for these upcoming bus trips:
All trips and/or dates are subject to change. Feedback, comments, suggestions desired: [mailto:bodell@ithaca.edu]. These trips are brought to you by the Staff Council. (All confirmed bus trips are now on the IC Events Calendar – Special Events!)