Media Literacy in the Lives of Older Adults


Contributed by Christine Pogorzala

Cyndy Scheibe, associate professor of psychology, will be giving a presentation on media literacy and older adults at Longview on Thursday, August 25, at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. This presentation is open to the public.

Media literacy involves the ability to analyze and critically evaluate different types of media messages, as well as being able to communicate effectively in different media formats. While media literacy is usually taught as part of K-12 and college education, it is equally crucial in the lives of adults, especially older adults who are increasingly targeted by advertisers for products ranging from health insurance to Viagra. Older adults are also often portrayed in stereotypical and demeaning ways in the media, negatively influencing beliefs and attitudes about our older population and aging. This highly interactive presentation will focus on the influence of media on the lives of older adults, and how media literacy skills can help older adults thrive in today's media age.

Longview is an adult residential facility located near campus. To get there, go out the main campus entrance and turn left up Danby Road. Longview is about a quarter of a mile up the road to the right. Please park in Longview's visitor's parking lot, which is to the left as you drive along the driveway.