The Office of First Year Programs and Orientation is proud to present another year of the weekly email newsletter, E-vents, which highlights events happening on campus and in the community.
We welcome back Zack Ford to fill the role of "The E-vents Guy." E-vents also features tips and tidbits about life on campus and in the community. Though designed specifically for first-year and transfer students, the E-vents newsletter is open to any member of the campus community. You can sign up for E-vents at any time at
This year, Zack has some exciting new features to not only keep E-vents entertaining but to provide some new ways to promote events.
E-vents is free, detailed, and far-reaching, making it one of the most effective ways to promote your events on campus. Contact Zack with all the details about your event by emailing him at He is also available to answer questions on AOL Instant Messenger at anytime under the screen name ICInfoDudeZ.