Announcing New Faculty and Staff


Contributed by Deborah Merriman

Submitted for Martha A. Turnbull, Director of Human Resources Ithaca College welcomes our new faculty and staff to the campus community.

  • Jonathan Ablard, assistant professor, history
  • W. David Ackerson, instructor, therapeutic recreation & leisure services
  • Russell Adams, assistant professor, anthropology
  • James Best, textbook clerk, bookstore
  • Pranay Bhatla, residence director, residential life
  • Elizabeth Bleicher, Assistant professor, English
  • Daniel Breen, assistant professor, English
  • Karin Breuer, assistant professor, history
  • Richard Brumfield, facilities attendant, physical plant
  • Gary Bucci, assistant coach, intercollegiate athletics
  • Deborah Burger, administrative assistant, academic funding & sponsored programs
  • Ashby Butnor, assistant professor, philosophy & religion
  • Eh Christ, facilities attendant, physical plant
  • Cheryl Christopher, postal services assistant, mail services
  • Philip Coleman, laboratory coordinator, chemistry
  • Michelle Dirmyer, residence director, residential life
  • Jamie Drahos, program coordinator, recreational sports
  • Mary Edwards-Ransom, residence director, residential life
  • Heather Eggsware, residence director, residential life
  • Daniel Elberty, assistant coach, intercollegiate athletics
  • Gina Evers, assistant residence director, residential life
  • Marella Feltrin-Morris, assistant professor, modern languages & literatures
  • William Ferguson, associate director, public safety
  • Terence Garahan, lecturer, sociology
  • Paul Geisler, assistant professor and program director, exercise & sport sciences
  • Noah Gentner, assistant professor, exercise & sport sciences
  • Belinda Gilbert, facilities attendant, physical plant
  • James Gray, assistant professor, sport management and media
  • LaSonya Griggs, assistant director, financial aid
  • Hongwei Guan, assistant professor, health promotion & physical education
  • Jennifer Hayghe Marquez, assistant professor, music performance
  • Andrew Holland, assistant professor, theatre arts
  • Wen Huang, assistant to the director, admission
  • William Hudenko, assistant professor, psychology
  • Rachel Iannacone, assistant professor, art history
  • M. Zakyi Ibrahim, assistant professor, philosophy & religion
  • Steven Johnson, assistant professor, chemistry
  • Jennifer Kay, assistant professor, adjunct, music performance
  • Marc Klein, programs & services coordinator, J.B. Pendleton Center, Los Angeles
  • Julia Lapp, assistant professor, health promotion & physical education
  • Helene Larin, associate professor, physical therapy
  • Annette Levine, assistant professor, modern languages & literatures
  • Robert Levine, residence director, residential life
  • Deborah Lifton, assistant professor, adjunct, music performance
  • Jeanette Lippitt, instructor, business accounting
  • Sandra Meyer, assistant professor, music theory, history & composition
  • Catherine Michael, communications librarian, library
  • Susan Monagan, manager audience development & special projects, theatre arts
  • Paul Nolan, assistant professor, biology
  • Lisa Paciulli, assistant professor, anthropology
  • Cyrus Panjvani, assistant professor, philosophy & religion
  • Mary Plowe, administrative assistant, Center for Student Leadership & Involvement
  • Darcy Plymire, assistant professor, sport management & media
  • William Ressler, assistant professor, television & radio
  • Valorie Rockney, lecturer, sociology
  • Mark Ross, assistant coach, intercollegiate athletics
  • Petra Schwarthoff, lecturer, music education
  • John Scott, assistant professor, television & radio
  • Michael Scully, assistant professor, journalism
  • Matthew Sullivan, assistant professor, physics
  • Elizabeth Swanson, assistant professor, music performance
  • Donald Tindall, assistant professor, theatre arts
  • David Turkon, assistant professor, anthropology
  • Paula Turkon, lecturer, anthropology
  • Denes Van Parys, assistant professor, music performance
  • Todd Van Valkenburg, programmer analyst, information systems & services
  • Travis Vande Berg, assistant professor, sociology
  • Leo Vincent, facilities attendant, physical plant
  • Nicholas Walker, lecturer, music performance
  • Jana Waller, lecturer, speech language pathology & audiology
  • Aaron Weinberg, assistant professor, mathematics
  • Ronald Woodard, information systems specialist, financial services