Marina Caillaud (Biology) Presents in Texas


Contributed by Nancy Pierce

Marina Caillaud presented "Genetic control of Barley yellow dwarf virus transmission in the aphid Schizaphis graminum" at the Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society. Austin, Texas.


M.E. Burrows, M.C. Caillaud, D.M. Smith, E.C. Benson, and S.M. Gray

F1 and F2 crosses between a Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) vector and a nonvector clone of Schizaphis graminum were generated and characterized for their ability to transmit BYDV-SGV and Cereal yellow dwarf virus-RPV.

Results of a genetic analysis indicate there are multiple genes controlling transmission phenotype that act in an additive manner. One or more tightly linked genes regulate the transmission of luteoviruses and poleroviruses, however, individual aphid clones can transmit each virus independently, demonstrating some genes are unique for each virus strain.

The nonvector parent has both gut and salivary gland associated barriers to virus transmission. These tissue-specific barriers were separated in some of the F2 hybrids examined. One F2 clone possesses a gut barrier to transmission, whereas in other clones, virus is either prevented from entering the salivary gland or is inactivated in the hemolymph. To investigate the involvement of hemolymph factors in the transmission of luteovirus, real time RT-PCR was used to quantify the retention of BYDV over time in vector and nonvector aphids. BYDV was retained for over two weeks regardless of vector status, indicating virion degradation cannot explain the loss of transmission.