Counseling Center Group Program


Contributed by Suki S. Montgomery Hall

Trouble with ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, RELATIONSHIPS? Experiencing LOSS? Want to explore your DREAMS? Do you struggle with EATING ISSUES? DO YOU WANT TO FEEL LESS ALONE?

The Counseling Center is offering an extensive Group Counseling Program this fall for you. Groups are free and confidential. Please call 274-3136 if you are interested an any of the listed groups below.

Depression Management Support Group (Tuesdays, 3-4:30)

This group is designed for those persons who want to minimize the negative effects associated with depression. This is an open group, which means that you may enter the group at any time. While attendance at every group session is not mandatory, past group members have benefited from regular group attendance. You will learn strategies to manage your depression as well as likely to enhance your connections with others. The group will begin Tuesday, September 6, 2005. Group Facilitator: LeBron Rankins, Ph.D..

Mind, Mood and Body Group (Fridays 3 – 4pm)

This group is specially designed for those who struggle with anxiety and depression. We will meet to identify, evaluate, and respond to the stressors that can overwhelm and paralyze us. We will use relaxation, breathwork, body awareness, and guided imagery. Group Facilitator: Lourdes Brache-Tabar, MA

Eating Disorder Issues Group (Please call if you are interested)

This group is open to those who want to understand and begin to make changes to unhealthy eating patterns. Discussion will include topics such as anxiety, health, and underlying emotions related to disordered eating and will meet weekly throughout the semester. Group Facilitator: Alice Meilman, MSW and Christine Poleski, MS Graduate Intern

Healing from Loss (Mondays 2 – 3pm)

This therapy group is for students who have experienced the death of a family member, partner, friend, or special person in their life. We will focus on ways to cope with the complex cycles of grieving and healing natural to such loss. Facilitator: Pam Johnson, MSW

Taming Your Inner Critic (Mondays 3 – 4pm)

Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to setting reasonable goals and expectations for yourself, especially when feeling anxious, stressed, or sad? This group will focus on ways to deal with the self-criticism, perfectionism, and social anxiety that may be getting in the way of your peace of mind. Facilitator: Pam Johnson, MSW

Relationship Issues Group (Tuesdays 4:15-5:45pm)

Are you concerned about your relationships with friends, partners, and family? Do you want to understand your relationships at a deeper level? Join this weekly 6-person group for a new interpersonal experience in a safe atmosphere.
Group Facilitator: Suki Montgomery, Ph.D. and Paul Soper, MSW Graduate Intern

Embodied Dreamwork Group (Mondays 1-2; please call for a screening)

“I’ve dreamt in my life dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas: they’ve gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the colour of my mind,” (Emily Bronte 1818-1848). During our time together we will work with individuals’ dreams, re-entering the dreamscape, approaching each character in the dream with curiosity and embody the sensations and feelings evoked by the dream. Limited to six participants; Six week commitment. Group Facilitator: Lourdes Brache-Tabar, MA