Fall Workshop Schedule Now Available


Contributed by Dan Barrow

ITS is excited to announce the Fall 2005 workshop series at Ithaca College. Our workshops can teach you the basics of Microsoft Office and Photoshop, give you a leg up on how to take your website to the next level in Dreamweaver, and help you learn many other applications.

We are also excited to announce a new workshop series this fall, devoted to helping our newer computer users become familiar with computers at Ithaca College. This series of workshops covers a wide variety of computer use aspects, ranging from basic computing to multimedia, and even keeping your computer protected. Our goals are simple: to make you aware of what computer technology on campus is capable of, and to enable you to take advantage of it. The series, called “Computer Use,” includes the following workshops:

For a complete list of all available workshops, their descriptions and times, and online sign-up, see the Technology Learning Center website.

We hope to see you in Friends 101 (TLC) this year!

