Special Events of Center for Faculty Excellence


Contributed by Susanne Morgan

The Center for Faculty Excellence is sponsoring two events on Thursday, September 15. At noon Karen Hall, TV-R, will present a lecture, "Consuming
Witness: Combat entertainment and citizen practice." From 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., the center will host a discussion panel, "Tragedy in the College Classroom: How faculty can support students at difficult times." Visit the CFE website for details.

Sustainability concerns both the physical environment and the social one. The two colloquia on September 20 and 22 feature elements of sustainability with an analysis of Hurricane Katrina.

The first Sustainability Cafe (titled "Earth Cafe 2050") will be presented by students from the Ithaca College Environmental Society on Tuesday, September 20, from 12:10 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Clark Lounge. This event will include more food than usual, much of it locally produced.

Thursday, September 22 the colloquium takes place in a different location, CNS 112, from 12:10 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. It is a scholarly colloquium entitled "Understanding Hurricane Katrina with an ecologist and an environmental historian" and features Jason Hamilton (biology) and Michael Smith (history). This event does not feature food but you may bring your lunch.

More details on these and other upcoming program at the Center for Faculty Excellence. Please propose a colloquium by contacting Susanne Morgan.

Links: https://www.ithaca.edu/cfe/

