Middle States Steering Committee Invitation


Contributed by Esther Radoja

All faculty, staff, and administrators -- we need your help!

In preparation for the Middle States ten-year re-accreditation review in 2007-08, we will need to establish a number of committees that will develop a self study document. Middle States requires that this document be developed with participation by students, faculty, staff, and administration. Bill Pelto, associate dean in the School of Music, and Marian MacCurdy, professor in the Department of Writing, will co-chair the Middle States steering committee.

It is now time to organize the committees that will research and prepare the self study. If you are interested in being involved in this project please contact Garry Brodhead, associate provost, either through e-mail ([mailto:gbrodhea@ithaca.edu]) or by phone at 4-3837.

We will be staffing a steering committee, which will direct the project, and fourteen sub-committees that will be led by members of the steering committee. These sub-committees are:

• Mission, Goals, and Objectives
• Planning, Resource Allocation, and Institutional Renewal
• Institutional Resources
• Leadership and Governance
• Administration
• Institutional Integrity
• Institutional Assessment
• Student Admissions
• Student Support Services
• Faculty
• Educational Offerings
• General Education
• Related Educational Activities
• Assessment of Student Learning

The steering committee will be organized during the month of October and begin designing the self study overview plan during the second half of the fall semester. The subcommittees will be organized early in the spring semester and begin preliminary work to full-scale self study preparation during the 2006-07 academic year. Because the Middle States re-accreditation is an important institutional initiative, I encourage you to consider seriously your own involvement in either the steering committee or one of the subcommittees. We look forward to hearing from you.

