Ithaca College and the Caribbean, the "prequel"


Contributed by John Hickey

During the "Caribbean: Race & Migration" series, the library is making available selected resources by the main floor circulation desk. The first items there are IC student anthropologists' reports from field work in the Caribbean diring the 70s.

During the 1970s, responding to a request from the Bahamian government, several groups of student anthropologists directed by Garry Thomas and Joel Savishinsky, conducted field research in the Bahamas -- on Cat Island, San Salvador Island, Eleutheria Island, and Rum Cay -- in communities which even then were being transformed by the pressures of tourism, migration, and economic development. The program continued for several years, through a "minor" plane crash and other less spectacular difficulties. The students' findings and journals of their experience, published by the College Center of the Finger Lakes and Ithaca College, are a fascinating addition to our present discussion of the Caribbean. These publications are now available in the New Books shelf, library main floor, between the Reference and Circulation desk.
Further additions to the reading list will be available at this link:
and in the library