The Colloquium Series offers two stimulating events next week; two very different presentations which represent some of the ways the Center for Faculty Excellence supports building communities.
Tuesday, October 4, 12:10 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., Clark Lounge "Metaphors and models for teachers of research" A conversation with colleagues convened by Kim Gregson, Department of Television-Radio
A first meeting of those who are interested in teaching research methods. We will read and discuss "When Disney meets the research park: Metaphors and models for engineering an online learning community of tomorrow." It's by Ronald Chenail and is from the Internet and Higher Education, 7 (2004). He discusses ways we can help students learn qualitative research and uses the metaphor of Disney's EPCOT center. Downloaded from a college database, the article in pdf format is on the CFE page.
Thursday, October 6, 12:10 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., Clark Lounge “The Creative Economy: Using Arts to Drive Social And Economic Development In Communities” A scholarly colloquium presented by Susan Monagan, Department of Theatre Arts
For more information on these and upcoming events, please see the Center for Faculty Excellence website .
To propose a colloquium, please contact Susanne Morgan at [].