Ongoing Katrina Support


Contributed by Brian McAree

For those students, faculty and staff who have been affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to you and your families. We would like to make you aware of the following support services that are and continue to be available on campus and in the area.

Evacuee to Evacuee
Evacuees of Hurricane Katrina are invited to a get-together to share their experiences and give support through this program sponsored by Suicide Prevention and Crisis Services. This support group hopes to set a regular meeting time. The first gathering will be held on Thursday, October 6, from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm in the community room of Suicide Prevention and Crisis Service at 124 East Court Street, Ithaca. To RSVP and for directions, contact Nancy at or 272-1505 ext. 11.

Red Cross Assistance
The local Red Cross chapter has approached us and wants to provide support for any Ithaca College students from the hurricane affected areas that may be eligible for Red Cross resources. If you need any support from the Red Cross, please contact Doreen Hettich-Atkins in the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life at or 274-3374 and she’ll put you in touch with our local Red Cross chapter.

Ithaca College Counseling Center and Chaplains
The professional staff of the Ithaca College Counseling Center is always available to provide help. During normal business hours, anyone can stop by the counseling center or call 274-3136 to make an appointment to see a counselor. The College chaplains are also valuable resources and can be reached at Muller Chapel at 274-3103. In an emergency situation during evenings or weekends, assistance can be obtained by calling the Hammond Health Center at 274-3177 or the Office of Public Safety at 274-3333.

Employee Assistance Program for Faculty and Staff
The Employee Assistance Program is available for faculty and staff who would like to access resources and assistance during this challenging time. For more information review this intercom article: