iMPrint Magazine launches new site and first edition


Contributed by Christopher Baxter

iMPrint Magazine

iMPrint Magazine: College Life’s Internet Magazine, published from Ithaca College, is proud to announce its first edition of the year, “So You Think You Know the Net.”

This month's edition of iMPrint also features special coverage of students' reaction and relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

iMPrint Magazine

College magazine launches new site and edition
iMPrint Magazine: College Life’s Internet Magazine, published from Ithaca College, is proud to announce its first edition of the year, “So You Think You Know the Net.”

The Internet is cutting edge. It’s an overload of information, entertainment and indispensable tools for college students. Check out some of this month’s headlines:

Colleges Respond to Hurricane Katrina
By Emily McNeill, iMMotion Editor
“As the Gulf Coast begins to rebuild itself in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, student organizations at colleges and universities around the country are organizing to assist in the efforts…”

Grocery Shopping from your Couch
By Katie Finnigan, iMPrint Writer
“Nowadays, college students can take courses, buy books, research papers, talk to friends and even find a date online. They only have to leave their dorms for food, but a few companies are working to change even that…”

Plugging in from Abroad
By Khrista Trerotola, iMPrint Writer
“Sweating in the summer heat, dozens of young travelers frantically check hotmail, thefacebook and accounts as time ticks away on their computers. The room is packed and customers are crammed together so close they can see one another’s monitors. Outside, the city holds reminders of an ancient past, but inside this European Internet café, tourists are plugged into the modern world…”

The Best Games you Never Played
By Greg Ryan, iMPrint Writer
“A panda bear frolics through the woods, surrounded by a deep, penetrating fog. A bird or two flies by. Red orbs of some unknown purpose hover overhead. Every now and then, some tumbleweed comes along. Welcome to one of the hottest gaming sites on the web…”