The Faculty Development Committee invites you to attend a panel on retirement planning and options on Friday, October 21, 2005, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Emerson Suite A. It is aimed at late-career faculty, but is open to all faculty, staff, and administrators.
Cheryl Freer
Cheryl Freer joined Ithaca College in 1994. In her role as director of benefits, she works with faculty and staff who are considering retirement to determine eligibility, explain the benefits the College offers to its retirees, point out considerations that should be made, and make them aware of College and community resources available to them during the transitioning to retirement process.
Allan Lallier
Allan Lallier is the TIAA-CREF representative for Ithaca College. He has been with TIAA-CREF five years and was previously located in the Charlotte, NC office before moving to Ithaca in the summer of 2004. This past summer TIAA-CREF opened an office located in the M&T Bank building at the corner of Tioga and Seneca where it serves both the Ithaca College and Cornell communities.
David Dresser
David Dresser served Ithaca College for 21 years in various administrative capacities: assistant dean of the School of Business, director of international programs, assistant/associate dean of the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance, and coordinator of academic achievement and advising services. After trying to retire twice, he finally left the employ of the College in May 2005, and he looks forward to sharing with you his experience in preparing to retire.
Art Lustgarten
Art Lustgarten is a local CPA and investment advisor. He and his firm provide tax preparation and planning services as well as financial planning services for individuals. Before opening his accounting business, Art was a senior auditor at Cornell's Office of Internal Audit and a consultant to Texas Southern University and Stanford University.
Contact Information:
Mara Alper
Faculty Development Committee
274-1280, []