A benefit for the victims of Hurricane Katrina
Auction for Action!
Going once, going twice...
Come get great items donated by local merchants and student organizations
at great prices in this live auction hosted by members of the IC Comedy
Club. All proceeds go to benefit the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Some of the items up for grabs are:
-Dinner at Olivia's
-A Serenade from Ithacappella
-Gift Certificate to Applebee's
-Ithaca College Gear
-Dynamic Pottery Studio Membership
-Handmade Hats and Scarves from The Knitting Circle
-SAB Weekend Film Passes
-T-Shirts from T-Shirt Expressions
-Brunch at The Tower Club
-Earrings from Beads!
-Tanfastic Tanning Sessions
Thursday, October 27th - 8:00PM - IC Square!
Don't miss out!