“Do you feel a little stressed?” (eni Program at the Benefits and Wellness Fair on November 9th)


Contributed by Deborah Merriman

Contributed for: Cheryl A. Freer, Director of Benefits

The Office of Human Resources is sponsoring a program with eni, your Employee Assistance Program Provider, during the Benefits and Wellness Fair on how to approach stress constructively and manage your expectations. The session is scheduled for Wednesday, November 9th at 2:30 p.m. in Emerson Suite C.

Your attitude has a lot to do with whether events and occurrences produce a feeling of stress. Stress management comes down to finding ways to change your thinking and manage your expectations. One of the first steps to coping with stress is learning to recognize your personal signs and symptoms. Learn how to approach stress constructively and how your BalanceWorks Personal Assistant can help!

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the staff in the Benefits Department at 4-3245.

