The Ithaca Wind Quintet will present a free concert on Thursday, November 10 at 8:15 p.m. ,in the Hockett Family Recital Hall. Music of Adolphe Deslandres, Hedwige Chretien, Ingolf Dahl, and a double woodwind quintet by Andre Caplet will be performed.
The Deslandres, Chretien, and Caplet works are all pieces that were dedicated to and/or premiered by Georges
Barrere -- the French flutist who came to the United States 100 years ago and became the major influence on flute playing and woodwind chamber music in this country.
The members of the Ithaca Wind Quintet are flutist Wendy Mehne, oboist Keri McCarthy, clarinetist Michael Galvan, bassoonist Lee Goodhew Romm, and hornist Alex Shuhan.