Land Use Restricted at Robinson Preserve


Contributed by Mark Darling

The Ithaca College Natural Lands Committee is asking members of the College community not to schedule group or individual visits to the Robinson Preserve, and adjacent property owned by the College, in Newfield from November 19 until December 20.

Ithaca College has set aside approximately eighty-two acres of land in Newfield as a biological preserve named the Bob Robinson Preserve in memory of the donor. The property, located on Piper Road in the Town of Newfield, was donated to the College nearly thirty years ago and contains part of the Van Buskirk Gorge; designated a Unique Natural Area by Tompkins County; to be used for substantive teaching and research by members of the College community. The remaining fifty acres of the parcel to the West of Piper Road is being considered for the development of non-timber forest products, sustainable logging, or other possible uses with a decision expected by the end of 2005.

This restriction of use by groups and individuals coincides with the Regular Hunting Season for Deer. At this time, ICNL has not finalized a management plan for the Robinson Preserve establishing protocols its use. This temporary restriction is intended to protect members of the College community and to respect the traditions of our neighbors in Newfield. Your cooperation with this restriction is greatly appreciated.

For more information about Ithaca College Natural Lands please contact Jason Hamilton in the biology department or Rick Couture at Physical Plant.