Ray Offenheiser, the president of non-profit organization Oxfam America, will be in Klingenstein Lounge from 5-6 PM on November 28, Monday.
IC Students for Fair Trade and Amnesty International would like to invite the Ithaca College community to Coffee Talk with Ray Offenheiser, President of Oxfam America, on November 28th, Monday, from 5-6PM, in Klingenstein Lounge. There will be fair trade coffee from Green Mountain and other refreshments. Ray will be talking about the more subtle issues of Fair Trade that still remain even when commodity prices go up (such as what happened with coffee). He will also talk about how fair trade coffee and other FT products fit in with Oxfam's larger work on agriculture and trade. This is going to be a fantastic talk with an engaging Q&A.
Additionally, from 4-5PM, there will be an informal session with Ray in Clark Lounge, where we will have fair trade coffee from Juna's. It will be a large informal talk; topics will range from student activism, how to be a conscious consumer (brands of coffee, etc.), what Oxfam does, and more.
For more information on Oxfam America, please visit http://www.oxfamamerica.org/.