This Is Your Lucky Day!


Contributed by Anne Woodard

Feeling down because you missed the chance to sign up for the next Weight Watchers session and now you have eaten way too much over the holidays? Well, today is your lucky day -- there is still time to sign up! Better yet, the new session has not started yet, so you won't be behind the rest of the group if you sign up today! We hope to begin the session on Tuesday, November 29th but we need 2 more participants. Could that be you?

Weight Watchers is a smart and easy way to learn how to eat and exercise sensibly. In the 5 years the program has been at Ithaca, literally hundreds of pounds have been lost! Open to all community members, the program runs for 16 weeks at the low cost of $159, payable in one or two installments. That might sound like a lot of money, but isn't your overall health worth it? You owe it to yourself and to those you love to take care of yourself, and what better way than a fun meeting with your friends at Ithaca?

Meetings are held Tuesdays at noon in Whalen 2310. If you would like to join us, please contact the on campus coordinator, Anne Woodard, at 274-3811 or []. It will be the best present you will give yourself this holiday season!