The Class of 2006 is raising funds to endow a scholarship as its senior class gift. We have set a goal of $25,000 for the scholarship, and $35,000 for the overall campaign.
We are well on our way toward achieving these goals, but need some assistance from the faculty and staff of Ithaca College.
As part of our celebration of "2006 Hours until Graduation" we are hosting a reception for seniors and their guests in IC Square on Sunday, February 19, 2006. During this reception, we will hold a silent auction to encourage seniors to participate as donors.
This is where we can use your help. Do you have a special talent or gift that you would be willing to donate to our auction? President Williams has agreed to host six seniors for dinner at Fountain Place, and one of our Alumni Board members has given us a game-used NHL jersey and letter of authentication.
We truly appreciate the support that Ithaca College has given us these last 3+ years. We now want to show our appreciation by leaving a gift to the College that will help generations of students to come. Won't you help us?
If you would like to donate something to our silent auction please contact either one of us by the e-mail addresses listed below. Thanks for all you do for the students of Ithaca College.
Bridgette Crawford, Gift Committee Co-chair
Christa Lombardi, Gift Committee Co-chair