Search and Selection Review Committee Formed


Contributed by Arthur Ostrander

In response to issues raised during the Quality of Work Life Study, President Williams has formed a committee to examine the College’s current search and selection procedures and the online application and tracking system.

In order for the committee to have a complete understanding of how the procedures and online application and tracking system are viewed by the College community, we welcome input from any community member regarding his or her experiences as an applicant, a member of a search committee, or as a user of the system. Please share this information with any member of the committee or directly with the chair of the committee in an e-mail.

The committee membership is listed below:

Margie Arnold
Todd Bowers
Traevena Byrd
Vicki Estabrook
Kirra Elliott
Karen Johnson
Art Ostrander, Chair
Rory Rothman
Gordon Rowland
Tim Shutts