The director of admission search is underway. Larry Metzger, dean of enrollment planning, has convened a search committee chaired by Townsend Plant, admission coordinator for the School of Music.
Other members of the committee include
- Nicole Eversley Bradwell, Senior Assistant Director of Admission;
- Joseph Gaskins, junior, politics major;
- Martha Gray, Director, Institutional Research;
- Bonny Griffith, Marketing Communications Manager for Admission;
- Doreen Hettich-Atkins, Coordinator, Special Services & Programs, Student Affairs/Campus Life;
- Rachel Johnson, senior, sociology major;
- Lana Lomber, Information Services Coordinator, Admission;
- Dianne Lynch, Dean, the Park School;
- Hormoz Movassaghi, Assoc. Prof. and Interim Assoc. Dean, School of Business;
- John Sigg, Assoc. Prof. and Chairperson, Dept. of Exercise and Sport Sciences.
The committee’s work is being supported by Jaimie Voorhees, administrative assistant to the dean of enrollment planning, and by the consulting services of William Spelman Executive Search. Advertisements have been placed in national and regional publications including the Chronicle of Higher Education. Staff, faculty, and alumni are asked to encourage qualified candidates they know to apply. Confidential inquiries and nominations can be directed to any member of the committee or may be sent to William Spelman at William Spelman Executive Search ([] or 585-787-9742).
Materials submissions are due by January 25, 2006 for full consideration. Interested individuals should apply online by visiting, searching for and selecting this position, and attaching requested documents. Questions about the online application may be directed to the Office of Human Resources (607-274-1207).
We anticipate that finalists will be brought to campus for community review from late February to early March. Watch for further announcements on Intercom.