Attention H&S Students -- Pending state approval, the School of Humanities and Sciences will offer a new, one-year graduate program in secondary teacher education.
The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Program will prepare students for initial teaching certification in Adolescence Education in the following areas: English, Languages other than English (French, Spanish), Mathematics, Science (biology, chemistry, physics), and History/Social Studies. This new MAT Program is ideal for H&S students who have a major in one of these subject areas and would like to teach that subject at the middle or high school level (grades 7-12).
The MAT Program is structured as a one-year graduate program; students begin their graduate studies in the summer, take courses and complete their student teaching experiences during the regular fall and spring semesters, and conclude the program the following summer. Graduate fellowships and other possible financial support will be available.
Important advising information for students interested in the MAT Program – In addition to the completion of a major in one of the subject areas, three undergraduate courses will be required as prerequisites for admission to the MAT Program: 330-21010 Educational Psychology, 327-21910 Elements of Tutoring, and 795-34000 Social Foundations of Education. Seniors interested in next year’s program should be sure to take Ed Psych during the Spring 2006 semester; the other two courses can be taken in either Spring or Summer.
For additional information about the new MAT Program, please contact Dr. Linda Hanrahan at or stop by Muller 218.