Ithaca College Compensation Program Review Focus Group Opportunities


Contributed by Tanisha Malone

Contributed by Tanisha Graves for Cindy Reckdenwald, Director of Compensation and Organizational Design

As communicated previously, Ithaca College has selected the firm of Segal/Sibson to assist with an extensive review and revision of the current compensation program for staff and administration. Karen Hutcheson, Senior Consultant, will lead this project along with Yelena Pozharsky, Associate Consultant.

The first phase of the project will involve a program audit for which we have scheduled a number of focus group sessions. These sessions have been designed to allow staff from all areas of the College the opportunity to provide feedback on how our current program is viewed and help us identify areas in need of change.

We encourage your participation in one of the focus group sessions. They are scheduled to take place on January 31st and February 1st. There will be four sessions held on each day at specific times. It will be necessary for you to register to attend a specific session as the groups will be limited to 35 to 40 participants. We want to be sure all staff who want to participate in a focus group session have that opportunity, so if needed, additional sessions will be scheduled.

Certain focus group sessions have been specifically designated for individuals holding similar or like positions or who have similar responsibilities. There will be sessions reserved for individuals holding administrative assistant, processing and/or operational assistant/specialist, secretarial, clerical, and other office support positions; a session for individuals who have supervisory responsibilities; a late evening session for individuals working the second and third shifts; a session open to staff working in physical plant, and several open sessions. The session reserved for physical plant staff is necessary given the large number of employees working in that department.

The Focus Group Session schedule can be located at: Focus Group Sessions

To register to attend a session, you will need to enter your IC Email Username in the box at the lower left side of the screen. You will need to select the session you would like to attend from the drop-down list labeled “Sessions” in the lower middle of the screen and click on the “sign me up” button on the lower right side of the screen. Again, advance registration is required for all Focus Group Sessions. In the event all sessions are full, please select the wait list option from the drop-down list labeled “Sessions” so we can determine if additional sessions are needed.

This is a very important part of this extensive program review, and we look forward to your participation and assistance. Should you have any questions about the project or need assistance in registering for a focus group session, please contact Cindy Reckdenwald, Director of Compensation & Organizational Design at 274-3850, Maura Fetsko, Compensation Specialist at 274-3483, or Tanisha Graves, Human Resources Assistant at 274-3083.