February is oftentimes overlooked. It's only 28 days, and it's so cold many people would prefer to hibernate -- but not this year.
The shortest month deserves recognition and celebration. That's exactly why the LGBT Center is hosting our very first Short Film Fest. The yearlong film series "Out of the Closet and Onto the Screen: The Many Meanings of Family" continues with a special Short Film Fest on February 1 at 7:00 p.m. Six films, each between 7 and 27 minutes long, will be screened at in Textor 102.
Both My Moms' Names are Judy presents interviews with children who have lesbian and gay parents. Talking candidly about their experiences in school, the children discuss what has been hard and what they would like to see happen to make things better.
Love Makes a Family interviews a lesbian single mother who shares parenting with the gay father of her son; a lesbian couple caring for the children one of the partners had by a previous marriage; and a gay male couple with two adopted sons.
Straight From the Heart explores the attempts made by parents to understand their lesbian and gay children. The stories include a police chief who talks about how proud he is of his lesbian daughter and a black woman and her two lesbian daughters who had been accused of "catching" their lesbianism from white people.
Small Town Secrets travels back to the early 1980s in order to document the childhood of a woman who grew up with closeted gay parents in a small, Midwestern town. By weaving together a collection of home movies and conversations with her parents, Small Town Secrets reveals why staying in the closet felt like the only option.
Southern Family is a tribute to two Southern women whose unconditional love of family demonstrates that acceptance of differences is possible.
Your Mom's a Lesbian, Here's Your Lunch, Have a Good Day at School is a moving portrait of a woman coming to embrace a part of herself that she had disowned, and how her twin sister, her parents, her husband, and her children come to honor and respect her for being true to herself.
The screenings are free and open to the public. Additional screenings will take place throughout March and April.
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Affairs Center for LGBT Education, Outreach, and Services.