Women's History Month Events


Contributed by Judith Barker

Many Events have been planned for Women's History Month at Ithaca College. Please read the descriptive calendar and plan to attend some of our events. For more information, contact Judith Barker ([mailto:barker@ithaca.edu]).


2/27 THIRTEENTH ANNUAL WOMENSPEAK 10 AM to Noon and 1 PM to 4 Klingenstein Lounge, organized by Kathryn Machan and Sally Parr in the Writing Department.

2/28 SISTERS IN SPIRIT: IROQUOIS (HAUDENOSAUNEE) WOMEN -- AN INSPIRATION TO EARLY FEMINISTS , presented by Sally Roesch Wagner, Ph.D., and Jeanne Shenandoah (Onondaga Nation, Eel Clan). At 7 PM in the Clarke Lounge, organized by Brooke Olson in the Anthropology Department.

Imagine that women have the right to choose all representatives in the United States Congress and can remove anyone from office who doesn't meet the needs of the people. Preposterous? This has been the responsibility of the Haudenosaunee women since before Columbus came to the New World. Sally Roesch Wagner, nationally acclaimed scholar in women's history, and Jeanne Shenandoah, member of the Onondaga Nation Eel Clan, will talk about the responsibilites and status of Iroquois women and the influence they had on the movement for women's rights. A book signing will follow the presentation.

3/1 WINE AND CHEESE RECEPTION, HOSTED BY PRESIDENT WILLIAMS, from 4 -7PM in the Clarke Lounge. President Williams will give a short speech and officially open Women's History Month at Ithaca College.

3/14 WOMEN AND SPORTS, presented by Dr. Rose Chepyator-Thomson at 7 PM in the Clarke Lounge, organized by Ellen Stuarowsky in Department of Sport Management and Media.
Dr. Rose Chepyator-Thomson grew up in Kipconga Village in the Great Rift Valley. As a woman in the 1970s, she became the fastest woman on the African continent in the 1500 and 3000 meter events. At the time that she did this, Kenyan women did not run in competitive events or on a world stage. The great Kenyan women runners today, including Tgela
Loroupe and Catherine Ndereba, credit Rose with paving the way for them. After finishing her competitive running career, Dr. Chepyator-Thomson went on to pursue an academic career in sport studies and physical education. She is known around the world for her work on Kenyan women and sport as well as her writings on facilitating more diverse and inclusionary perspectives and methodologies in the field of physical education and coaching.

3/16 MAKING UP WOMEN: SEXING GENDER AND RACIALIZING SEX, presented by Dr. Zillah Eisenstein at Noon in Friends 204. Zillah Eisenstein, is a well known author, scholar, and activist in our Politics Department, organized by Judith Barker in the Sociology Department.

3/17 THE BREAST DIALOGUES at 7 PM in the Clarke Lounge, organized by Katherine Kittredge in the English Department.
We have the Vagina Monologues and now Katherine Kittredge and some of her students are creating the Breast Dialogues. They will be presented first at IC and then who knows they, like the vagina monolgues, may end up touring the world. So make sure you don't miss the first ever presentation of the Breast Dialogues.

3/21 WOMEN AND LITERATURE: PERSON AND PERSONALITY presented by Alicia Steimberg at7 PM in the Clarke Lounge, organized by Annette Levine in Department of Modern Languages.
Internationally renowned author, Alicia Steimberg, was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1933. Though she began writing as an adolescent, her first book Musicians and Watchmakers (Musicos y relojeros) was published in 1971 and earned her acclaim in two prestigious literary contests: Barral and Monte Avila. She has since published nine books along with short stories and articles for anthologies, newspapers, and magazines. Her work grapples with the overarching themes of gender, nationality, language, humor, erotica, memory, and trauma while often centering on female protagonists. Two new books by Ms. Steimberg are due to come out this year: Aprender a escribir (Teaching Yourself to Write), non-fiction, and a novel entitled Julia's Music.

3/23 TECHNOLOGY OF ORGASM, presented by Rachel Maines at 4 PM TBA, organized by Sally Parr in the Writing Department
Rachel Maines, a visiting scholar in Cornell's Science, Technology and Society Department, will talk about her research and her book "The Technology of Orgasm." The book is "an impeccably researched history that combines discussion of hysteria in Western Medical tradition with a detailed discussion of devises invented to treat it." Described as a scholary work that is offbeat and a pleasure to read.

3/24 WOMEN'S APPRECIATION DINNER at 6 PM in the Emerson Suites, organized by ALS (African/Latino Society)

3/30 "CREATING AN AMERICAN HOME: GENDER, GEOGRAPHY, AND RESISTANCE IN AMERICA'S COMPANY TOWN" presented by Dr. Maria Montoya at 7 PM in Textor 102, organized by Vivian Bruce Conger in the History Department.
Montoya, Associate Professor of History at the University of Michigan, is a specialist in Latina/o history, History of the American West and Southwest; U.S. History; and Environmental History. She is also the director of the Latina/o Studies Program at the University of Michigan. She is the author of numerous books and articles. She is currently working on a book about company towns in the American west.

3/31 FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY FEMINISTS: FEMINIST STAND UP COMEDY with Margot Leitman and Guilia Rozzi at 7 PM in IC Square, organized by Barbara Anger in Theatre Arts.
Margot Leitman `00 is a graduate of the Ithaca College Theatre Department. Her dark, liberal, off-beat stand-up got her noticed in 2004, when she was one of five NYC nominess for the ECNY award for "Best Female Stand-up" and was a regional finalist in the "Ladies of Laughter Contest." Her show "Namedroppers" co-written with Guilia Rozzi, ran for three months last spring at the UCB theatre, in NYC and was called "Hilarious" by the Onion. Her variety show "Everyone Wins", co-hosted by Mark Sam Rosenthal, has been running for almost a year now, and still packs houses. Margot is currently starring in her one woman show "Just Here For the Day" running at the UCB Theatre.
Story teller and stand up comic Guilia Rozzi `00 graduated from IC with a dual degree in Sociology and Drama. Since then she has worked both in LA and NYC in such venues as the Comedy Store and Mortified NYC. An advocate for positive body image and self-esteem, Guila spent the Fall traveling to colleges speaking about bulima, eating issues, and empowerment. She is also working on her second solo show which will focus on food, body-image and self esteem.

