First-Year Reading Initiative Text for 2006-07


Contributed by Rosalie Fitzgerald

I am pleased to announce that President Williams has chosen the text for the 2006-07 first-year reading. It is Life of Pi by Yann Martel. This book has won a number of awards, including the Man Booker Prize for 2002. I hope you will enjoy reading it. Please visit for information about the author and Life of Pi.

Faculty teaching first-year courses during the fall 2006 semester are asked to consider using the text, if appropriate to their curricular goals.

All faculty and staff are cordially invited to sign up for the discussion group sessions with first-year students by contacting Ms. Rosalie Fitzgerald at []. Discussion groups will meet on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 (the day after Convocation), from 10:00 a.m. to noon, so please mark your calendars! I hope you will join this effort to welcome new students to the Ithaca College community of learners. Please contact [] should you have questions.

Thank you.
Tanya R. Saunders
Assistant Provost/Dean of Interdisciplinary and International Studies