Spanish in the residence halls!


Contributed by Annette Levine

Come find out more about "VECINOS," your opportunity to live in a Spanish language and Hispanic culture learning community during the '06-'07 academic year. Come to the information session at IC Square on Wed. Feb. 8 at 7pm. Contact Annette Levine for more information:

VECINOS is open to all levels of Spanish language and Hispanic culture enthusiasts!!!

If learning Spanish and broadening your horizons is important to you, consider living in this partial Spanish language immersion program where you'll participate in regular programs devoted to learning more about the Spanish-speaking world. This on-campus learning community will host programs on Spanish language films, Hispanic artists and musicians, food, dance, and workshops devoted to improving your language skills.

Applications for Vecinos are currently available in the Office of Residential Living and by contacting Annette Levine.