Lecture by Education Expert on Issues of Race


Contributed by Diane Kinne

Joan Wynne will give a free, public address at Ithaca College on Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 7:00 p.m. in Textor 101. The title of her talk will be: "Education to Liberate: Quality Education for All of Our Children."

She will also lead a free, public question and answer session about school reform to address the achievement gap, on Friday, Feb. 17, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Klingenstein Lounge, Ithaca College Campus Center.

Wynne is an associate director of the Center for Urban Education and Innovation, and a professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Florida International University, in Miami (the center’s director is Lisa Delpit, renowned educator, author, and MacArthur grant recipient). Professor Wynne is a former English teacher and taught at Morehouse College for 14 years, where she designed and directed the Benjamin E. Mays Teacher Scholars program. She also co-designed and directed an urban teacher leadership master’s degree program at Georgia State University.

Professor Wynne's research interests include the instruction of urban children and the impact of racism in schools. She has published books and articles about collaborative learning, racism in school reform and language instruction, and teaching urban children. She has a chapter in the 2002 collection, The Skin That We Speak: Thoughts on Language and Culture in the Classroom, and is co-editor of a new book entitled Racism, Research, and Educational Reform: Voices From the City, which includes a chapter of hers, “The Elephant in the Classroom: Racism in School Reform.”

