IC Accounting Students win Jeopardy Challenge!


Contributed by Karen Gorewit

Pitted against accounting students from LeMoyne College, St. John Fisher College and SUNY Oswego, IC students for the 3rd time in 5 years emerge victorious! The Challenge is sponsored by Green & Seifter, Certified Public Accountants, PLLC and was held at LeMoyne College on February 3, 2006. Winning team members received portable DVD players.

Our team:
Jessica Acquard
Erik Daisey
Kalina Dimitrova
Evan Gever
Kristi Kalriess
Doreen Mashu
Dimitri Medvedev
Mike Staub

Mine Kemahlioglu
Ian Applebee

Powerpoint Presenters:
Ian Applebee
Joshua Zelkind

Way to go! We were "accounting" on you.

