Bradac Elected To ACPA Commission For Career Development


Contributed by John Fracchia

John Bradac, director of career services, has recently been elected by his peers to a three year term on the American College Personnel Association’s (ACPA) Commission for Career Development.

The Commission For Career Development represents the career development profession on a national level and is charged with seeking out, examining, and addressing the changing and diverse role of career services in higher education within a student development framework. The commission focuses on:

This is the second time that John will serve on the commission directorate body. He was also elected for a term from 1992 to 1995 and then served in as an Emeritus member from 1995 to 2003. His new term will commence in March 2006 at the ACPA national conference in Indianapolis, Indiana.

"The American College Personnel Association supports and fosters college student learning through the generation and dissemination of knowledge, which informs policies, practices and programs for student affairs professionals and the higher education community."