Student Grants in Jewish Studies


Contributed by Annette Levine

The Jewish Studies Steering Committee invites grant applications from students who are engaged in projects, courses or other activities related to the study of Jewish history, culture or religion and connected directly or indirectly with an academic program at Ithaca College.

Examples of eligible activities: Projects with Jewish studies content related to any IC course. Off-campus classes, workshops, conferences or internships intended to enhance the student’s academic knowledge or skills related to Jewish history, culture or religion. Expenses for travel, lodging, materials and supplies, etc. connected with such an activity or project. Applications will be accepted and considered as they are received.

Application forms are available from Rebecca Lesses, Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies, Gannett 122.

For further information, contact Rebecca Lesses, Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies,
Gannett 122 • 274-3556 •