

Contributed by Teresa Hradisky

One definite case of mumps has been identified on the Ithaca College Campus.

One definite case of mumps has been identified on the Ithaca College Campus. Mumps is a viral illness characterized by fever and swelling of the salivary glands, the largest of which is located over the jawbone just in front of the ear.
Few individuals on campus would be susceptible to mumps infection: IC students who have grown up in the US have been immunized against mumps as a requirement for attending grade school, unless they were exempted for religious or specific medical reasons. Many older individuals acquired permanent immunity from the disease itself, during childhood.
If you have never been vaccinated or are unsure of your vaccine status and you develop fever and salivary gland swelling, contact the health center at 274-3177 for an evaluation.
More information on mumps is available through the New York State Department of Health at

This notice is from Dr. David E. Newman, Director of Student Health Services