The position of Student Trustee is becoming available for the 2006-2008 academic years. The position is one of the most important as well as most challenging student leadership roles on campus.
If you are interested in applying, paper applications are available in the Student Activities Center and can be found online at
The Student Trustee is a full voting member of the Ithaca College Board of Trustees as well as an ex-officio executive board member of the Student Government Association. The Student Trustee is also responsible for fulfilling all campus committee assignments. He or she is also expected to have a good working relationship among faculty, staff, students, and the administration as well as knowledge about current international, national, and campus events. Since the position is a two year term, only students who do not graduate before May 2008 (traditionally freshmen and sophomores) are eligible. If you would like further information regarding the Student Trustee criteria, please feel free to contact me and I would be happy to send along information.
Applications are due by Friday, March 3rd in the Student Activities Center.
Raphael Y. Golberstein
Student Trustee 2004-2006
319 Egbert Hall
Ithaca College
Ithaca, New York 14850
(p) 607.274.3084
(f) 607.274.1725