Paper Clips Rescheduled


Contributed by Melinda Butler

On Wednesday, February 22, Paper Clips will be shown in the Handwerker Gallery at 6:30 p.m. Whitwell Middle School in rural Tennessee is the setting for this documentary about an extraordinary experiment in Holocaust education.

Struggling to grasp the concept of six million Holocaust victims, the students decide to collect six million paper clips to better understand the extent of this crime against humanity. The film details how the students met Holocaust survivors from around the world and how the experience transformed them and their community.

This screening is in conjunction with "Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals 1933-1945," a traveling exhibition organized by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, on display at the Handwerker Gallery until February 26. This event is co-sponsored by the Handwerker Gallery, Hillel, and the LGBT Center. For more information contact Michael Faber, Jewish chaplain and director of Hillel, 274-3323.