In the NEXT TWO WEEKS you can submit an application to run for office in SGA or in your Class Council!
Election packets are available in the Student Activities Center (3rd floor of Campus Center) as well as on SGA’s website ( for the following positions*:
1. SGA E-Board:
President of the Student Body, VP of Academics, VP of Campus Life and Affairs, VP of Business and Finance, and VP of Communications
2. SGA Senate:
a. Academic Senators: Park School of Communications Senator, Business School Senator, Music School Senator, Health Sciences and Human Performance Senator, and Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies Senator
b. Class Senators: Senior Senators (4), Junior Senators (4), Sophomore Senators (4), Transfer Senator, and Graduate Senator
3. Senior Class Council:
President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer
4. Junior and Sophomore Class Councils:
The availability of election materials and positions is pending approval by representatives of said classes.
*Elections for Freshman Senators and Freshman Class Council will be held in the fall.
Elections Timetable:
Feb 13: Election packets available
March 3: Election packets due (5 pm in the SAC)
March 19: Mandatory Meeting with Elections Committee
March 28: Elections Kick-Off / Budget Information Due
April 3-7: Election Tabling in North Foyer
April 10-12: Online Voting Session!
For more information contact Ivan Topalov, VP of Communications and Chair of the SGA Elections Committee, at or 607-274-1414.