Alper, TV-R, to have documentary screened in England


Contributed by Melissa Gattine

Mara Alper's documentary “Forgiveness” was chosen to screen at the Quakers in Criminal Justice annual conference from Feb. 24-26 in Bath, England. The theme of the conference is “Transforming, Accepting, Forgiving.” The participants are Quakers who work within the criminal justice system.

Alper is an associate professor in the Television-Radio department.

“Forgiveness” is a twenty-eight minute program that explores a psychological and philosophical approach to forgiveness. It examines four powerful stories from a prisoner, a recovering alcoholic, a grieving mother and a renowned world leader, Archbishop Desmond Tutu. It received funding from New York State Council on the Arts, the Experimental Television Center, the James B. Pendleton Fund, the Center for Faculty Development and Research and a Summer Research Grant from the Provost’s Office.