Sound Off About Isms - The Ism Project


Contributed by Doreen Hettich-Atkins

The goal of the Ism Project is to bring -isms into the awareness of the campus community through presentations done by students, faculty, staff and administrators. The use of creative methods such as poetry, art, film, dance, music, and others will bring -isms into our awareness and give us ways to challenge the -isms we may unconsciously hold.

What is an “-ism”?

An -ism is a prejudice held by others on the basis of a particular attribute. Everyone is affected by an -ism, whether it be the sexism, racism, or ageism or lesser know variants such as jockism, accentism, or sizeism.

What can the Ism Project do about it?

The goal of the Ism Project is to bring -isms into the awareness of the campus community through presentations done by students, faculty, staff and administrators. The use of creative methods such as poetry, art, film, dance, music, and others will bring -isms into our awareness and give us ways to challenge the -isms we may unconsciously hold.

How can I get involved?

o Anyone can participate by developing a creative depiction of an -ism.
o Projects should be no more than 5 minutes in length.
o Individuals and groups as large as 5 people can participate. Groups that contain a mix of faculty, staff and students are encouraged.

How do I register?

o Registration forms are available in 340 Egbert Hall or the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement
o The registration deadline is: March 1, 2006. (Deadline has been extended)

How will I be judged?
Projects will be evaluated on ingenuity, creativity and clarity of message.

Are there prizes?

o Individual project first prize: $75 gift certificate to the bookstore.
o Individual project second prize: $25 bookstore gift certificate.
o Group first prize: a VIP luncheon at the Tower Club.

When will I present my Ism Project?

Mark your calendars for March 23, 2006 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in IC Square. All presentations will be given at this event and the winner will be announced at the end of the evening.

Information is also available at: or by contacting Doreen Hettich-Atkins at [] or Deborah Mohlenhoff at [].

The Ism Project is sponsored by the MLK Week Committee.