Where's the Script, Olivia?


Contributed by Anne Woodard

Olivia is one of the best team members of "Law and Order: SVU" but she is a bit frantic. Where is her script for the upcoming show? Where else? It's at the Bursar's Benefit Auction! The rumors you have heard are true. We are auctioning off a full "Law and Order: SVU" script signed by every one of the show's star actors. Admit it. You are dying to own that script! Don't put your money away yet though. There are even more great items to bid on, arriving even as we speak!

Feel like a break from the same old microwave meals you've been eating all month? How about one of our many gift certificates to local eateries? John Thomas Steakhouse, Lucatelli's, Lost Dog Cafe, Ramada Inn, and Papa John's are just a few of the fine dining establishments that have donated to our auction. Need a quick perk in the morning? We have a Gimme! Coffee travel mug and gift certificates which will go fine with our gourmet apple pie and chocolate chip cookies!

Feeling old as dirt? We have just the items for you! Let your tired bones relax in one of our beautiful t-shirts from the Museum of the Earth, and use one of the day passes or the full family membership they have donated and spend a delightful day at the museum.

Are you ready to dazzle your friends with some cool moves? Bid on the gift certificate for a session of dance lessons from the Ithaca Academy of Dance! As you tap down the street, you can proudly display your school pride in the beautiful gray hooded Ithaca College sweatshirt donated by the Bookstore.

More items are coming in daily. This is one event that you won't want to miss. Bring your friends, bring your parents, bring your dog, but be sure to come! The Bursar's Benefit Auction will be held in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center on Wednesday, March 29th. Silent auction hours are 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and the live auction will be from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. By popular demand, we will be offering a credit card payment option along with cash and check. So, get that calendar out and write down the date. It will be here before you know it!

