No Pressure Blood Pressure Follow-up


Contributed by Mel Ginsberg-Stevens

We would like to thank the 161 people who participated in No Pressure Blood Pressure on February 14th.

More than 15 students from Ithaca College’s Wellness Clinic and the Department of Exercise Science received hands-on experience in taking blood pressures. We found the campus-wide average blood pressure to be 117/73 mm/Hg, which is in accordance with recommended, or normal, blood pressure: <120/<80 mmHg. Way to go IC!

No Pressure Blood Pressure will continue to monitor campus-wide blood pressure next month, scheduled for Friday, March 31, with additional tips on how to lower blood pressure. We would like to challenge the College on March 31 to see which department has the highest participation rate and the best average blood pressure. If you have any feedback, questions, or suggestions for when students may visit your department, contact Ithaca College’s Wellness Clinic, [].