Swee Wong Leaving Ithaca College


Contributed by Tom Torello

Swee Wong, Marketing Communications Manager in the Office of Marketing Communications, will be leaving Ithaca College next month to relocate to Connecticut with her family. A reception in her honor will be held Friday, March 10, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Alumni Hall Conference Room.

Swee joined the College in 2003. She has worked closely with the Schools of Music, Business, and HSHP, as well as the Provost Office, DIIS, Continuing Education, and Graduate Studies. Swee is known for her dedication, determination, humor, and unique outlook on life. Swee has made a tremendous contribution to the office of marketing communications and to the College as a whole. Her many years of professional marketing experience were a tremendous resource we will not easily replace. Working with someone as professional, as talented, and as pleasant as Swee is a rare honor. While Swee’s tenure here was relatively short, the impact of her work will be felt for a long time to come.

We will all miss Swee a great deal, and we wish her and her family the best in their new home. Please stop on March 10 to thank Swee for her many contributions to the College.

