Party All Night with IC Hope


Contributed by Stanley Seltzer

IC Hope, Ithaca College’s Relay for Life (American Cancer Society) team, will hold an organizational meeting on Tuesday, March 14, at 12:10, in Textor 103.

Last year’s team raised over $10,000 and all who participated had a terrific time. The Relay features food, fun, music, contests, and true team spirit all night long. Other highlights include a survivor's lap and a luminary ceremony honoring special friends and family.

This year's relay will be held between 7:00 p.m., July 14, and 10:00 a.m., July 15, at the Lansing High School track.

We are seeking faculty, staff, or summer students who are interested in taking part in this annual summer event by joining IC Hope. If you cannot attend the organizational meeting but wish to participate, please contact one of us so we can keep you informed.

We hope you will join us this year.

Anne Woodard and Stan Seltzer
IC Hope team captains