March 29 is just a couple of weeks away, and items for the fourth annual Bursar's Benefit Auction are piling up. Have you been keeping track of the latest news by reading Intercom? Well, here is a fast refresher course for you on just what you can expect to find!
Fast facts by the numbers to get you excited about the festivities:
10 - people who can enjoy a special Wine Experience Tour together at Hazlitt Vineyards
4 - people who will enjoy VIP passes to the Dr. Phil Show
1 - the number of gourmet apple pies at the auction...this pie is one in a million!
21 - tasty treats and goodies that you will find in the Study Break Basket
4 - fitness related memberships offered
2 - IC Theatre season subscriptions
20 - gift certificates to local eateries, with more arriving daily
5 - local wineries to date who have contributed goods
7 - celebrities who have sent items
3 - number of price levels of prize balloons sold at the auction...everyone wins!
1 - dollar amount suggested for iPod raffle tickets
2 - number of charities to benefit from the proceeds (SPCA & Hospice of Ithaca)
too many to count - number of chocolate items in the trademark Chocolate Basket Raffle
Time's going by quickly, so start saving your dollars now for the big event. The auction will be held on Wednesday, March 29 in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center. The silent auction is from 10 a.m. to noon, followed by the live auction from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. See you there!