Paula Davis, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, has accepted a new position at St. Bonaventure.
After six years at Ithaca College, Paula Davis, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, is leaving to take a "Bonnie" new position--that of Director of Institutional Grants at St. Bonaventure University, a Masters I institution (and Division I in sports!) in Olean, NY. This administrator-level position will oversee all corporate, foundation, and government relations for this Fransciscan institution with 2,100 undergraduates and 600 graduate students.
Paula's contributions to the College go beyond her work with grants and fundraising, as she was dedicated to advancing the quality of work life for staff through IC's Staff Council, first as a representative for several years and then as chair in 2004-05, before her promotion to Director in 2005. She was also a member of the Advisory Council of the IC Catholic Community, and a past member of Interfaith Council.
Paula's last day at Ithaca College will be Tuesday, April 4th. Plans for transitioning her responsibilities on an interim basis, and for her send-off from the College, will be announced at a later date.